From social media to your shopping cart, discovering design possibilities has never been easier.
You can shop directly from photos in our gallery below.
$(".bs-deselect-all").text("Clear All");
function changeSelectedItemsCount(selectElement) {
var selectedCount = $(selectElement).val().length;
var selectName = $(selectElement).data('select-name');
var displayText = selectedCount > 0 ? selectName + ' ' + '' + selectedCount + '' : selectName;
// set up event listeners for all select elements with class .selectpicker
$('.selectpicker').on('', function () {
// initialize the display text for each select element - the dropdown title: color, fabric, pattern...
$('.selectpicker').each(function() {
var selectName = $(this).data('select-name');
$('.selectpicker').change(function() {
var selectedValue = $(this).val();
// console.log('last selected group value:', selectedValue);
// create an array to hold selected values
var selectedValues = [];
// loop through all selects with the name "filter-by"
$('select[name="filter-by"]').each(function() {
var values = $(this).val(); // this will be an array for multiple selects
if (Array.isArray(values)) {
// filter out empty values and concatenate
selectedValues.push(...values.filter(value => value.trim() !== ''));
// concatenate the values into a string
var concatenatedValues = selectedValues.join(',');
console.log('all selected values:', concatenatedValues);
g_attributes_selected = concatenatedValues
}); // document.ready
$(document).ready(function() {
// dmkt_app.product_swipper_refresh();
$(document).on('click', '.show-results-btn', function() {
console.log('execute ajax update');
// fetch_api_data();
// var g_reset_content = true;
// fetch_api_data(true);
destroy swipper
// Create an Intersection Observer to detect when the product swiper goes out of view
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries) {
entries.forEach(function(entry) {
const productSwipper =;
// Check if the swiper is going out of view (isIntersecting === false)
if (entry.isIntersecting === false) {
console.log('IntersectionObserver triggered for: ', productSwipper);
// Check if the swiper instance exists before trying to destroy it
if (productSwipper.swiper) {
console.log('Destroying swiper for: ', productSwipper);
productSwipper.swiper = null; // Optional: Clear the reference
console.log('Swiper destroyed for: ', productSwipper);
} else {
console.log('Swiper is still in view: ', productSwipper);
}, { threshold: 0.5 }); // Trigger when 50% of the element is out of view
// Observe each product swiper
document.querySelectorAll('.product_swipper').forEach(function(productSwipper) {
// Fallback manual scroll event listener (in case IntersectionObserver isn't triggering as expected)
window.addEventListener('scroll', function() {
document.querySelectorAll('.product_swipper').forEach(function(productSwipper) {
// Check if the product swiper is in the viewport manually
const rect = productSwipper.getBoundingClientRect();
const isInViewport = >= 0 && rect.bottom <= window.innerHeight;
// If swiper is out of view and it has an initialized swiper instance, destroy it
if (!isInViewport && productSwipper.swiper) {
console.log('Scroll event triggered for: ', productSwipper);
console.log('Destroying swiper for: ', productSwipper);
productSwipper.swiper = null; // Optional: Clear the reference
console.log('Swiper destroyed via scroll for: ', productSwipper);
// Event listener to detect when the user changes the color
document.getElementById('colorSelect').addEventListener('change', function() {
console.log('color changed');
selectedColor = this.value; // Update the selected color
initializeInfiniteScroll(); // Reinitialize InfiniteScroll with the new color
// load initial page
// $infScroll.infiniteScroll('loadNextPage');